Frequently Asked Questions:
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for Youth:
What is the minimum age for the Youth Program?
Six years old is the minimum age, because we have found that kids younger than six are not developmentally ready to fully participate, yet.
Will martial arts make my kid violent?
No way! ! In fact, martial arts makes kids calmer and more respectful than ever. We do not teach submission moves to the younger children in the Youth Program, until they are developmentally ready for those skills. The foundation of martial arts always has been about promoting peace, and it always will be.
Can my child get injured with martial arts?
As a parent, I'm sure you've seen that kids can get injured doing just about anything. Martial arts is no different. However, we take safety very seriously here. Yes, injuries do sometimes happen. But we do everything in our power to avoid them. We warm up to make your child's body is limber and flexible.
My child isn't athletic. Can they still participate in martial arts if
they're not athletic?
Absolutely! Martial arts teaches kids to be coordinated, flexible, and strong. Kids who don't naturally have these qualities, develop them. Kids who do have these qualities, grow them even more.
Does Northwest Martial Arts train in a uniform?
Yes, we are a traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu dojo and train in a uniform called a, “gi.” However, we are fine with your child training in appropriate workout clothing for the first trial period to see if it’s a good fit before asking you to invest in a gi. We want to make it as simple as possible for everyone to participate and do not require you to buy the gis we sell, but we do have them available with our logo for the Youth Program only upon request.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for Adults:
Q: "Will this be really hard on my body? And is it violent?"
People who do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are never the ones to start fights. They're the ones who do everything in their power to avoid fights. If a fight has to happen, though, they are ready to defend themselves. So no, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is not violent. As far as your body goes, the exercise involved may be tough for you, at first. But you're welcome to go at your own pace. This isn't boot camp or anything! We're here to support you and help you succeed, whatever level you are training at. It may challenging at times, but not enough to usually cause injuries. It is just hard enough to form a great calorie-burning workout. Safety is our main priority while training. We are not the type of gym that is pushing everyone to train at a competition level. We can train you at that level, if that’s what you are looking to achieve. However, we focus on creating an environment that is comfortable for everyone.
Q: "Do I have to be athletic, really flexible, or in shape to start training?"
Not at all! In fact, many of our students are those who didn't enjoy other sports. Many of them were not athletic before joining our program. Now they're in better shape than anyone else they know. They're lean, fit, and feeling great! So if you're not athletic already, don't worry, we'll help you get there. The reality is that most people who practice BJJ do it as a healthy lifestyle, not to be an MMA star. We are here to support you with those realities and everything in between!
Q: "Will I get hurt?"
Any physical activity can lead to injury, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is no exception, but because we place so much care in keeping you safe .... We hardly EVER see injuries here. We guide you through the correct way to do each technique. This way, you don't harm your body. We also show you how to warm up properly, further reducing your chances of injury. You go at your own pace, so you don't force your body to do anything it's not ready for. Students who pick up on BJJ quickly are just as valued as those who need to slow down and learn at a different pace.
Does Northwest Martial Arts train in a uniform?
Yes, we are a traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu dojo and we train in a uniform called a, “gi.” However, we are fine with you training in appropriate workout clothing for the first trial period to see if it’s a good fit before asking you to invest in a gi. We want to make it as simple as possible for everyone to participate.